kian is talking so much now and always makes us laugh with the random things he comes up with.
yesterday he wanted to play with a board game and i told him that's not for kids... he said "mommy please! i'm hungry for that game!"
later, we were doing "crafts" and all of a sudden he said "my butt is cold!"
the funniest was one day he woke up from his nap and announced "my penis is big" hahahahahha who is this kid??

he surprises us everyday with random words and phrases... just a few minutes ago i was hanging up clothes to dry and he said "the wind is blowing". he might not pronounce every word clearly but he knows a lot of words and learns new ones everyday.
we're finally settling into some kind of normal routine after our trip. i like having a routine, knowing what tomorrow is going to be like. but it's nice to get out of that once in a while... taking a trip for example.
last weekend we went to the beach for a wedding. this weekend we have a cowboy theme birthday party and we'll try to paint a mustache on his little face... i'm hoping he'll let us. we're also going to meet the newest member of our community, a little boy who was born a week ago. i'm so scared he's going to make me want a baby. but i promised myself i'm going to lose at least 10 kg before getting pregnant. ugh... it's not going to be easy.
for long periods of time in the past i hated mondays... i dreaded them. it's nice to have a job that doesn't do that to me. i love weekends but weekdays are not that bad.

so i was going through some bookmarks and landed on http://www.fatmumslim.com.au/ and saw "Photo a Day MAY" ... hahahahahahahha.... i really wanted to catch up on all the photos for april but of course i didn't.
this past weekend we had the national convention which paul and i with two other friends organized. it was lovely and not as stressful as it could have been because i swear they asked the most laid back people to organize it. but somehow we made it work, had everything ready on time, the food was great and everyone was happy.
i'm planning a trip to the states and i'm so excited. kian is going to have so much fun with his cousins.
working from home:
PRO: you don't have to take a shower before going to work
CON: sometimes you forget to take a shower all day
PRO: you can work in your pajamas
CON: sometimes you spend days in pajamas and yoga pants and then when you put on jeans they feel really uncomfortable
PRO: i can take coffee breaks all the time
CON: some days i drink like five cups of coffee and forget to eat lunch
PRO: you can take a break and go play with your kid
CON: it's really hard to stop playing and go back to work
PRO: as soon as i'm done i can go and take a nap with kian
CON: naps are addictive
PRO: i get to spend more time with kian
CON: i miss interacting with people in real life
i do love it though. we'll see what happens this week when kian's grandma leaves and i'm left alone to figure out how to entertain a two year old while trying to work.

on friday night we spent the night at h and z's place. kian went to bed early and we watched the movie the experiment... crazy movie.
on saturday morning kian and i went to the playground, on the way there i took this picture. after that we all went to the hotel where paul and i spent 2 days after our wedding and walked around a forest. and then we went to a pretty park and had a picnic. it was a fun day.

so after two months of working at the school i quit. last friday was my last day and i'm so happy to be spending more time at home.
i hate quitting jobs, i hate it so much that once i made up a story about leaving the country for a family emergency. i felt terrible and i still do about lying. but what was i supposed to say? i don't like working here and i don't like living in this country so bye?
anyway... the owners of the school are some of the nicest people i've ever worked for and they were so happy for me to be able to work from home and get paid more than they could afford to pay me.
so now i'm a WAHM! hahahahahahaha but i'm lucky that paul can be with kian while i work in the mornings. we'll see how it goes when paul starts working.
we have a few friends who have little kids and we love to get together and watch kian play with them. he loves being with other kids so i feel like it would be good for him to go to a daycare in the mornings. we'll see...
today we went to the mall and kian and i went to get a sundae at burger king. they gave us one of those cardboard crowns and i put it on his head completely sure that he would take it off, throw it on the ground and step on it (we've been trying to get him to wear hats ever since he was born and he's NEVER kept them on his head for more than a second). of course he LOVED it and proceeded to walk around the mall happy and proud of his crown while his own dad pretended he didn't know who this kid was.... hahaha.... finally after we got home he wanted to "craft" so i told him that he had to take off the crown to do crafts.

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