Posted on May 25, 2012 · 1 Comment
he surprises us everyday with random words and phrases... just a few minutes ago i was hanging up clothes to dry and he said "the wind is blowing". he might not pronounce every word clearly but he knows a lot of words and learns new ones everyday.
we're finally settling into some kind of normal routine after our trip. i like having a routine, knowing what tomorrow is going to be like. but it's nice to get out of that once in a while... taking a trip for example.
last weekend we went to the beach for a wedding. this weekend we have a cowboy theme birthday party and we'll try to paint a mustache on his little face... i'm hoping he'll let us. we're also going to meet the newest member of our community, a little boy who was born a week ago. i'm so scared he's going to make me want a baby. but i promised myself i'm going to lose at least 10 kg before getting pregnant. ugh... it's not going to be easy.
for long periods of time in the past i hated mondays... i dreaded them. it's nice to have a job that doesn't do that to me. i love weekends but weekdays are not that bad.

demasiado tiempo que no escribes....