Posted on April 06, 2012 · 2 Comments
so after two months of working at the school i quit. last friday was my last day and i'm so happy to be spending more time at home.
i hate quitting jobs, i hate it so much that once i made up a story about leaving the country for a family emergency. i felt terrible and i still do about lying. but what was i supposed to say? i don't like working here and i don't like living in this country so bye?
anyway... the owners of the school are some of the nicest people i've ever worked for and they were so happy for me to be able to work from home and get paid more than they could afford to pay me.
so now i'm a WAHM! hahahahahahaha but i'm lucky that paul can be with kian while i work in the mornings. we'll see how it goes when paul starts working.
we have a few friends who have little kids and we love to get together and watch kian play with them. he loves being with other kids so i feel like it would be good for him to go to a daycare in the mornings. we'll see...
today we went to the mall and kian and i went to get a sundae at burger king. they gave us one of those cardboard crowns and i put it on his head completely sure that he would take it off, throw it on the ground and step on it (we've been trying to get him to wear hats ever since he was born and he's NEVER kept them on his head for more than a second). of course he LOVED it and proceeded to walk around the mall happy and proud of his crown while his own dad pretended he didn't know who this kid was.... hahaha.... finally after we got home he wanted to "craft" so i told him that he had to take off the crown to do crafts.

no cacho... o sea, seguis trabajando en ese colegio pero desde tu casa?
ps - me encanta la idea de photo a day april!!! quizas tambien lo trate.
I re discovered your blog. I've just spent an hour catching up. love you. miss you. will come visit one day.